City of Moscow Services & Schedule

Check out our myINW to look up your service days and more.
For information on how to sign up for services or pay your bill, please see the City of Moscow Solid Waste.

Curbside Garbage Collection Guidelines

Curbside Recycling Schedule & Guidelines

Event Services

If you are having a large party or gathering or sponsoring an event in Moscow, Inland North Waste/Moscow Recycling has various containers for recycling free of charge.

Depending on your needs, we can accept plastic bottles, cans, paper products, and, with enough lead time, food residuals composting. Please contact INW for scheduling details.

By utilizing these services, the Moscow Renaissance Fair achieves 90% diversion of the waste they produce by composting and recycling, and we would love nothing more than to help your upcoming event reach a similar level of sustainability.

Not within the Moscow city limits? Click here to find your collection day.