City of Moscow Services & Schedule
Check out our myINW to look up your service days and more.
For information on how to sign up for services or pay your bill, please see the City of Moscow Solid Waste.
Curbside Garbage Collection Guidelines
Inland North Waste observes the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
PLEASE NOTE: If your regular garbage day falls on or after the holiday, your garbage will be collected one day late that week. If your regular garbage day falls before the holiday, your trash will be collected as usual.
Garbage Routes are subject to change. Before the holiday, please call (208) 882-5724 or message info@inlandnorthwaste.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Information on the process for Moscow residents to sign up for utility services may be found here.
Please direct your payments and any billing questions to the City of Moscow. Further information from the city can be found here.
Utility Billing
203 East 3rd St.
POB 9203
Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 883-7043
Roll carts come in 35, 65, and 95-gallon sizes, and prices increase accordingly. A fee schedule for these and all our services offered through the City of Moscow can be found here.
Set carts out by 7:00 a.m., remove from the street within 24 hours.
”Wheels in arrows out!” Place wheeled cart against the curb or along the alley with the handle pointing toward your residence.
Keep carts at least three feet away from other carts, mailboxes, fire hydrants, parked cars, or utility poles so trucks can easily access the cart.
Roll-carts are available in 35, 65, and 95 gallons. The correctly sized cart should allow for occasional extra volume.
Please DO NOT OVERSTUFF CARTS. Overstuffing can cause trash to get stuck during the servicing process, leaving you with a less-than-empty cart. If you find yourself consistently producing more trash than comfortably fits in your tote, please consider moving up a size or utilizing our Transfer Station.
Items that are around or fall from your roll-cart during collection are the responsibility of the customer. To avoid this, please tie off all garbage in plastic bags and place in roll-cart.
If your garbage or recycling is missed, please call INW at (208)882-5724 as soon as possible.
Materials not allowed: construction material, TVs, monitors, hot ashes, human waste, large quantities of animal waste, dead animals, solvents, flammable liquids, asbestos, ammunition, fuel tanks, hazardous materials.
Contact INW for information on the proper disposal of such items.
Curbside Recycling Schedule & Guidelines
Your recyclables should be picked up on the same day as your trash is collected. Pickups occur every other week.
PLEASE NOTE: Holidays may affect your regular pickup schedules. All collections scheduled on or after the holiday will be made one day later that week
Plastic: #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs (with screw top lids). Empty and rinse.
Metal, Aluminum, &Tin: Aluminum & Tin beverage and food cans. Empty, rinse and dry.
Corrugated Cardboard: Clean and dry.
Paper: Newspaper, junk mail, cereal and dry food boxes, office paper, phone books, envelopes, non-foil wrapping paper. Books with hardbacks removed. Clean and dry.
The following materials are not accepted:
Glass of any kind.
Plastic#3-7 including plastic bags.
Styrofoam, medicine containers, plastic caps or lids, plastic plates or utensils, plastic clothes hangers, plastic motor oil or antifreeze containers.
You get the idea, check your plastics!
Candy wrappers, chip bags, and garden hoses are also not accepted.
Metal: No aluminum foil, caps, rings, or lids, aerosol spray cans, paint cans, sharp or greasy metals, and metal clothes hangers.
Paper: No shredded paper or e-waste, food-soiled food boxes (looking at you, pizza boxes!). Paper and cardboard must be dry. Disposable diapers, wax or plastic-coated cardboard, paper towels, plates, or napkins, soiled paper, and facial tissue are also unable to be processed.
Other Restrictions: No electronics, lightbulbs, CDs, DVDs cases and their cases, and no batteries, ceramics, or dishes.
When in doubt, throw it out!
Contamination and wishful recycling can lead to whole loads of recycling being landfilled, increasing costs to all and having detrimental effects on our environment. Please follow the prescribed guidelines to the best of your ability to help us avoid such consequences.
Event Services
If you are having a large party or gathering or sponsoring an event in Moscow, Inland North Waste/Moscow Recycling has various containers for recycling free of charge.
Depending on your needs, we can accept plastic bottles, cans, paper products, and, with enough lead time, food residuals composting. Please contact INW for scheduling details.
By utilizing these services, the Moscow Renaissance Fair achieves 90% diversion of the waste they produce by composting and recycling, and we would love nothing more than to help your upcoming event reach a similar level of sustainability.
Not within the Moscow city limits? Click here to find your collection day.