Decades of Service

Join us in celebrating those who have given over
a decade of service to Inland North Waste

Walt Heiniger

Walt Heiniger worked with Inland North Waste for 41 years before recently retiring. Walt was not only a truck driver, but a rectangular container tech at the Moscow Recycling Center. He sprung to life when talking about his time at Inland North Waste. He told stories about the generational family that owns INW, what NOT to do when you’re trying to collect a garbage tote covered in bees, and his time spent plowing the snowy roads of Moscow, Idaho. Additionally, Walt is a collector of sorts; from vintage cars needing a good tune up, to scraps like screen doors that he repurposes or recycles. 

Denny Sumner

Denny Sumner worked at Inland North Waste for 37 years before retiring just before the COVID-19 pandemic. After he graduated in 1968 and finished his student teaching, Denny was contacted by a friend and dispatcher for Inland North Waste. He agreed to come work as a truck driver during a particularly harsh winter. Years later, he was contacted again and that time - it stuck. Denny became a fixture in the company for many years. 

Outside of his work, Denny coached football for 25 years, while dabbling in other sports (he has three sons). Now, Denny enjoys DJing for events around the Palouse. 

Larry Ross

Larry Ross is a current member of the Inland North Waste team and has been for over 30 years. In fact, his 34th anniversary was on June 1st, 2022. Larry is responsible for CDL (commercial drivers license) testing, a necessity when operating heavy machinery inside and out of Inland North Waste. Besides working, Larry likes to stay busy. From his time as a volunteer firefighter to being the umpire at his 9 year olds baseball games, Larry doesn’t like to stop. He mentioned something about retiring a few years down the line, but he is not ready to leave quite yet. 

Inland North Waste would like to thank Larry, Denny, and Walt for their time spent working and growing with our company.